It's hard to believe that we are on Week 12 of 16 for the Spring/Summer CSA shares! We thank everyone who has participated in the first season of the year. Our second season of shares will begin the week of August 18th. This season will include produce such as tomatoes, red okra, eggplant, colored bell peppers, sweet potatoes, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, collards, kale, summer/winter squash, beets, carrots, pie pumpkins, muscadine grapes, and more!
We have also added a third pickup location in addition to the farm on Monday evenings and the Greensboro Farmer's Curb Market on Saturday mornings. We are available at New Garden Nursery on Lawndale on Thursday's from 9-1 as well.
If you would like to participate in this 10 week share, just download the application from the link below and mail payment by August 1st. Please let us know if have any questions.
Farlow Farm Summer/Fall 2013 CSA Application