Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Our first attempt at protecting Round #1 of transplants failed (see the Remay blankets frozen stiff in between the rows). After the wire tunnels collapsed we made a second attempt late Monday afternoon to cover as many babies as we could (1,000) with Styrofoam cups .... mostly cauliflower and a few broccoli (do you hear the sleet in the video?). As our son put it, "Mommy, I really hope people like cauliflower because this is a lot of hard work!" He's learning early the true meaning of labor of love!


  1. We love cauliflower and are super thankful for all your hard work!

  2. Thanks so much Daniel! We love what we do! FYI, those cauliflower plants have grown leaps and bounds compared to the broccoli and cabbage that we didn't cover.
